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    CJ Wiley's Avatar

    Pocket Billiards - Great TV Game or the Greatest?

    Your're right, the ball in hand waters down the game and keeps the players from having to max out their potential. The roll out can be a great part of the game, just not as it is right now.

    Originally Posted by jamesjr1963 View Comment
    Hello CJ,

    I like the call pocket, winner breaks, incoming player has option to shoot or pass, and a gloved ref racking. I personally would like to see the push-out eliminated from the rules, it's like a mulligan in golf, and the 3 foul rule excluded from games played with ball in hand rules. To me it makes more sense to have the 3-foul if you're playing games using the option rule. I love ball in hand rules but miss the days of the spot shot.
    My opinion of the rules I mentioned are based on questions I received from co-workers when they find out I am a pool player. I work in a corporate environment and a couple of the most asked questions is "Why does a pro need ball in hand?" or "How come a pro gets to pick up the white ball and put it where they want?". I try and explain the logic and strategy of safety play and to get them to understand the rewards and penalties of committing such infractions but their facial expression glaze over and the conversations usually move on to another topic.
    In the last 20 or so years I can only recall Buddy Hall and Ray Martin commenting on the current Texas Express 9-ball rules. I don't remember the exact details of their comments and certainly don't want to attempt to quote them but just remember how much sense was made.
    Posted 01-04-2015 at 04:27 PM by CJ Wiley CJ Wiley is offline
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    jeffj2h's Avatar

    9BALL Ratings on ESPN in the 90's Were a Success

    When I have heard people in the industry refer to 9ball as a failure, they are lamenting the introduction of the soft break sometime around the year 2000. It's not as exciting as breaking the balls hard. Of course the rules can be tweaked (e.g. rack the 9 on the spot, or require several balls to pass the head string)
    Posted 03-02-2013 at 09:48 AM by jeffj2h jeffj2h is offline
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    Ralph Kramden's Avatar

    "Low Deflection" shafts - Deflection Can Be an Advantage

    CJ... This is one of the best pocketing tips ever posted.

    I think players shy away from inside english because they've read collision induced throw (CIT) sends the OB off line.
    Yes it can... and players could adjust for this throw if it's needed to pocket a ball.

    Using just a Touch Of Inside as you suggest will make the cue ball deflect slightly. (Or make the CB "squirt" slightly).
    The CIT seems to be minimized using your TOI and will send the undercut OB closer toward the pocket centerline.

    Thanks for your TOI tip. Carl
    Posted 01-06-2013 at 07:35 PM by Ralph Kramden Ralph Kramden is offline
    Updated 01-08-2013 at 06:29 AM by Ralph Kramden
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    The Renfro's Avatar

    "Low Deflection" shafts - Deflection Can Be an Advantage

    Thanks CJ I was about to ask your opinion in the forum and found my answer here.....
    Posted 12-03-2012 at 02:58 PM by The Renfro The Renfro is offline
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    jamesjr1963's Avatar

    Pocket Billiards - Great TV Game or the Greatest?

    Hello CJ,

    I like the call pocket, winner breaks, incoming player has option to shoot or pass, and a gloved ref racking. I personally would like to see the push-out eliminated from the rules, it's like a mulligan in golf, and the 3 foul rule excluded from games played with ball in hand rules. To me it makes more sense to have the 3-foul if you're playing games using the option rule. I love ball in hand rules but miss the days of the spot shot.
    My opinion of the rules I mentioned are based on questions I received from co-workers when they find out I am a pool player. I work in a corporate environment and a couple of the most asked questions is "Why does a pro need ball in hand?" or "How come a pro gets to pick up the white ball and put it where they want?". I try and explain the logic and strategy of safety play and to get them to understand the rewards and penalties of committing such infractions but their facial expression glaze over and the conversations usually move on to another topic.
    In the last 20 or so years I can only recall Buddy Hall and Ray Martin commenting on the current Texas Express 9-ball rules. I don't remember the exact details of their comments and certainly don't want to attempt to quote them but just remember how much sense was made.
    Posted 10-12-2012 at 06:07 PM by jamesjr1963 jamesjr1963 is offline
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    Posted 09-28-2012 at 08:59 AM by tatqoo tatqoo is offline
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    9BALL Ratings on ESPN in the 90's Were a Success

    Nine ball is very much a skill oriented game, in spite of that many may call it a failure. To the people who know how to shoot AS WELL AS control the cue ball on the table, it is easy but there is NO limit as to how good the game can be played, like any pool game. You just have to practice and learn by association.
    Posted 09-16-2012 at 11:06 AM by Joey Fast Evola Joey Fast Evola is offline
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    JuicyGirl's Avatar

    CJ Wiley's New Blog

    Thanks for the insight!
    Posted 09-01-2012 at 09:07 AM by JuicyGirl JuicyGirl is offline
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    Gambling in Pool....Why People like the Underworld Element

    It would seem to me (not baiting you just offering suggestions) if gambling were to be part of the solution it should be offered on the spectator side and offered in the books at casinos even though the action would be light to start. Not a traditional bet though. Pool could be as full of stats as baseball (boring to watch too) and exclusive access to the quarter finals on would heighten things. The bet should be live calcutta to "place" out of the entire field, and a bump return for the "owners" in the quarters. This at least gives us 'joes' a format to use at home. We need big unified money on top (golf) and a way to get grassroots involved ( NCAA ) Good luck and thanks for the tips. Jim
    Posted 08-20-2012 at 07:11 AM by screamingelvis screamingelvis is offline
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    CJ Wiley's Avatar

    Gambling in Pool....Why People like the Underworld Element

    You are right about that.....the magic bullet in Poker was when they started showing the hole card and people were more attached to the hand and how it unfolded.....knowing the odds and watching how the players went up against the pressure....pool needs that "magic bullet" and that's what myself and a few others are working to find....we have several of the key elements, however there's still something missing.....and I have a feeling it can be figured out and it's NOT anything like what people may guess....that seems to be how life works somethings...especially in the pool scenario.
    Posted 08-19-2012 at 04:15 AM by CJ Wiley CJ Wiley is offline
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    Gambling in Pool....Why People like the Underworld Element

    There is alot of public intrigue in the high stakes/ danger aspect of the game. But the commercial challenge goes beyond that ! Who would ever think we would be watching poker on Cable everyday 10 years ago ? On the surface it's not anymore exciting than watching paint dry however...once the intellectual aspect of the life of a "rounder" is laid out only then can a normal joe / jill embrace it and make it their own. The added plus here is the ability to realize a hole card and see the hand develop. Pool needs a hook by which risk is rewarded that's what people love to watch...gambling in pool is more often controlled risk that not everyone realizes until its over...watching matches does not satisfy commercial hunger of this type of reward system. So it may not be gambling per se that stimulates interest...just think if every person thought they have an even chance (poker is pure chance 'right') to beat you and take home the pot how many people would buy a custom cue to try ? More than 2 i'm sure. Best of luck to you Jim
    Posted 08-17-2012 at 02:46 AM by screamingelvis screamingelvis is offline
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    CJ Wiley's Avatar

    There are TWO Aiming "Systems"....Mind & Body

    Originally Posted by krupa View Comment
    I personally prefer DVDs but I know I'm in the minority these days.

    I do to... just maybe not for shorter clips, those I can make in one day and get them out....no more than 15 minutes though
    Posted 08-16-2012 at 10:31 PM by CJ Wiley CJ Wiley is offline
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    CJ Wiley's Avatar

    Consistent Grip Pressure to Overcome Pressure

    That's fine, but under pressure you may want to tighten up BEFORE you get down on the shot...just feel your follow through pressure because I'm guessing even with the "wrist flick" you are tightening after impact? I also do this wrist motion on power shots and certain finesse ones as well, but I still hold it securely....I've described it like holding your toothbrush the amount needed to feel EVERY tooth......just like hitting a baseball on a cold day you will get more response from the cue ball if you hold it a bit firmer ... and as I said in my post, it sometimes only makes a difference when under pressure.... Earl S. is a great pressure shot player and he describes his as a "death grip".....ultimately it's just something to experiment with, but worthwhile if you do a lot of HIGH gambling or Big tournament matches.
    Posted 08-16-2012 at 10:25 PM by CJ Wiley CJ Wiley is offline
  14. Old Comment

    Consistent Grip Pressure to Overcome Pressure

    Seems to make sense. However, do you think tightening up may not get you maximum stroking power? For example, on some shots I use a bit of "wrist action", especially on thin cuts where you have to let the cue ball go back and forth. It seems those shots are easier if you give the wrist a bit of a flick on the follow through. Just my opinion.
    Posted 08-16-2012 at 10:01 PM by 1on1pooltournys 1on1pooltournys is offline
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    krupa's Avatar

    There are TWO Aiming "Systems"....Mind & Body

    I personally prefer DVDs but I know I'm in the minority these days.
    Posted 08-15-2012 at 01:24 PM by krupa krupa is offline
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    CJ Wiley's Avatar

    Are Systems Essential to World Class Pool?

    Unlocking Pool's Mysteries

    Originally Posted by JoeyA View Comment
    Thanks for your thoughts on this. I know Stan quite well and what he has done with the help of Hal Houle is to express in words, exactly how he aims and how he develops a perfect sight picture. It isn't easy expressing in words, what we attempt to do visually. I'm glad you've had an opportunity to talk with Stan. He is one of the best teachers of pool that I have ever met in my lifetime. Looking forward to reading more of your blog. To this date, to my recollection, I have never posted one thing to anyone's blog on AZB. I enjoy your writing and look forward to the video on Earl Strickland's Million Dollar Adventure.
    Yes, I had a great time with Stan...we are on the same page about how there's a hidden perfection in pool....our aiming systems are similar, but he's put much more thought into that department and understands how the dominant eye works better than me and I use the contact points on the cue ball where he uses the quarter points on the object ball.....my main thing is more about "feeling with the eyes" and aiming with the body (using the feet as sights).....ultimately we all need to stand on each other's shoulders to understand all this game has to offer.....it's a very mysterious and alluring game and it's all about uncovering it's secrets.....you can improve every day in pool.
    Posted 08-15-2012 at 01:36 AM by CJ Wiley CJ Wiley is offline
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    CJ Wiley's Avatar

    The Chain Reaction

    Originally Posted by JoeyA View Comment
    Come on CJ. If you're going to blog, you've got to put up more than a teaser or two. ;-)
    You're right, I've always been a bit shy
    Posted 08-15-2012 at 01:29 AM by CJ Wiley CJ Wiley is offline
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    The Life and Times of a Road Player

    Extremely interesting read so far. I cannot wait to read more.
    Posted 08-14-2012 at 11:08 PM by plyittothetbone plyittothetbone is offline
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    JoeyA's Avatar

    Are Systems Essential to World Class Pool?

    Thanks for your thoughts on this. I know Stan quite well and what he has done with the help of Hal Houle is to express in words, exactly how he aims and how he develops a perfect sight picture. It isn't easy expressing in words, what we attempt to do visually. I'm glad you've had an opportunity to talk with Stan. He is one of the best teachers of pool that I have ever met in my lifetime. Looking forward to reading more of your blog. To this date, to my recollection, I have never posted one thing to anyone's blog on AZB. I enjoy your writing and look forward to the video on Earl Strickland's Million Dollar Adventure.
    Posted 08-14-2012 at 11:04 PM by JoeyA JoeyA is offline
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    CJ Wiley's Avatar

    There are TWO Aiming "Systems"....Mind & Body

    Billiards digital marketing and downloads

    Originally Posted by Skippy9Baller View Comment
    Yes, put it out online. Does anyone watch DVDs anymore? Is it really worth it to develop a DVD and put all the money into manufacturing, printing, inventory, fulfillment??? Put it up, online. It doesn't have to be a million dollar production. You should sell a digital download or a membership site. Pay affiliates to promote it. This is a new era for marketing digital products. The pool world is so far behind in this department. Just some food for thought. Good luck with your endeavors.
    The Billiards Biohacker Report
    That's great input Skippy....I started looking into the digital download today and my internet consultant suggested the membership site.....the 2nd makes sense so I can consolidate all the different things (steaming video,pool lessons,DVDs etc) I'm doing under one "umbrella".....what are your thoughts? CJ
    Posted 08-14-2012 at 10:21 PM by CJ Wiley CJ Wiley is offline
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