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Country living is about small towns, small talk, and small tables. Welcome... to the

Posted 05-03-2015 at 02:33 AM by IamCalvin06

So I recently moved back home to the south. What a difference in lifestyle and pool. I miss living in a small town, where everything is simpler and the ppl are friendlier.

Except in the pool hall or bars. Lately since I've been home it's been nothing but barbox pool. No leagues, no friendly comroddery, and no playing for funsies. It's been non stop action and I'm getting whipped into shape.

I haven't been in action like this in a long time. I guess up north ppl have...
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Yang "The Son of Pool"
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Ring Around The Rosies, Pocket Full of Ones-ies, Ashes, Ashes they all get SHOT DOWN!

Posted 12-27-2013 at 03:18 AM by IamCalvin06

It's Thursday night and that's my night to let loose and get the Ring Game going!!!!

This is one of my favorite games to play bc it's cheap Gambling. My game is pretty tight defensively but man i gotta say it's pretty stressful playing that way. Sometimes ya gotta just let your hair down and just show some fire power without the fear of selling out.

For those unfamiliar to the game you can play 9 or 10 ball but more than 3 players i recommend 10 ball. The object of...
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Yang "The Son of Pool"
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DREAM TEAM Basketball and Mosconi Team USA Parallels

Posted 12-25-2013 at 05:38 PM by IamCalvin06

Just watched the 2013 Mosconi Cup. I heard it was bad so i just put it off until i felt like watching a blood bath.

The first thing that comes to mind is when the USA basketball team didn't win the Olympic gold. It was such a disappointment with the amazing talent that USA possessed. They had by far the best players on paper if you make a player by player comparison. What happened the following year? No more pros... Team USA was comprised of young college players, who were hungry....
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Yang "The Son of Pool"
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The Jefferson's Movin on Up, and The Scotty Townsend Effect

Posted 12-24-2013 at 01:11 AM by IamCalvin06

The Jefferson's "Movin on up..."

In every pool room their lies an unspoken hierarchy or food chain if you will of pool players. Usually consisting of Pros, Shortstops, Use-to-Be's, Master League Players, Bangers, Hacks, etc.

If you're like me, you know where you fall in the ranks. However, I have always believed that i'm a Jefferson and i will move to the upper Eastside. Today, was just a confirmation of that. On occasion I am asked to play by one of the...
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Yang "The Son of Pool"
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The life chronicles of... Uh... Me?

Posted 12-23-2013 at 12:11 AM by IamCalvin06

Welcome to the first ever edition of my blog. A little background check and we'll be off on our adventure of Capitol Gains, Spherical collisions, and Philosophical/Ethical Contradictions

I'll be your tour guide into the life of Calvin. Born and raised in the smallest of towns in the Peach State my first encounter with a pool table came at the ripe age of 13.

But hey we have plenty of time for flashbacks. Cue wavy~~ flashback lines. Let's jump right into the present....
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Yang "The Son of Pool"
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