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why do some cue makers

Posted 03-23-2012 at 07:21 PM by JB Cases

Post preserved to prove Thomas Wayne owes Dean more than $1000 for a cue.

Originally Posted by deanoc View Post
one of the warped cues, I referred to , was sold to hawaiian brians to establish a dealer for tw cues
thomas took it back to alaska promising to fix it

after some years of no response from tw ,i returned the money in full to the buyer
the cue was never repaired or returned and I lost over $1000

i have several hall of fame cue makers who can certify that in response
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Hal Houles CTE in detail

Posted 02-04-2012 at 03:49 AM by JB Cases

Originally Posted by SpiderWebComm View Post
Just some notes after watching JB's video. I'm NOT knocking or anything. JB's a great guy. I just found myself writing notes while watching -- here they are:

This video could have been called a 90/90 video too. Same thing. Same thing as 90/90, 90/center, 90/reverse90.

Based on JB's video, I think he's misunderstanding the usage of the secondary line. It's not, "OK I see the CTEL and I also see the secondary line." The purpose of the secondary line is
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Some notable threads about our cases

Posted 01-30-2012 at 04:02 AM by JB Cases

This is just a spot to post the links to some notable threads about our cases.

An assortment of the custom cases we did in 2011.

2011 Yearbook - http://forums.azbilliards.com/showth...00#post3429300

State of the Art in Case Making

Tooled GTF Cases - Jan 2012

A List of Case Makers:...
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Posted 05-03-2011 at 11:01 PM by JB Cases

This is just a record of an unpleasant interchange between someone whose handle is "Monstermash" and myself following the the issue of Jason Lee (Tasaddicts) being outed for selling counterfeit J.Flowers brand cases.

"Monstermash" sent me a PM asking me why I thought his posting on the warning thread was asinine and deserving of negative reputation.

Here is the exchange beginning with his initial PM to me: For clarity my posts are in blue and his...
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Super Ignore Add-on

Posted 12-15-2010 at 06:11 PM by JB Cases
Updated 05-03-2011 at 11:28 PM by JB Cases

Super Ignore Add-on

Well I have found a great add on for managing my forum experience. It's a way to ignore users to the point where they are completely invisible as if they don't exist.

Here is what I wrote.

If you use Firefox then you can install this extension and have AWESOME control over the ignore features among other things.

Right now if you build an ignore list you still see that person's comments in quotes by others. If you use this extension...
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My Lifetime Case

Posted 08-06-2010 at 11:46 PM by JB Cases

" …. I have had many leather cases over the years – I can’t even remember them all – and was never really happy with any of them except for a little 1×2 case made by Marc Turcasso. Yeah, I’m pretty picky. But I recently received a 3×4 case John built to my specs – lots of design freedom with John – and I am extremely happy with it in all respects. It’s a relief to finally have my “lifetime case” to go along with my 28 year old “lifetime cue”. To those who think “built in China” means lower...
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Blatant Copies! :-(

Posted 02-26-2010 at 03:48 AM by JB Cases

Why is it that if a someone lists a cue for sale that is an identical copy of a famous maker's work then the members go bat-crazy over it and denounce both the maker and the seller BUT when the same thing is done to a famous case maker's work then not a peep is uttered?

Here is a blatant Whitten ripoff

Here is an Instroke ripoff

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Proper Terms in Leather Working

Posted 02-22-2010 at 09:27 PM by JB Cases
Updated 02-22-2010 at 09:30 PM by JB Cases

I get pretty pissy when it comes to people who try to "redefine" terms in leather working so that they can better market their products.

The latest example: A person calls pyrography a "cue tattoo" by choosing that moniker as the name of a service he offers.

Pyrography and Tattooing are separate art forms and when a person uses one to define the other he is diluting both.

This is pyrography in it's highest form:

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MythBusting about wooden cues and moisture.

Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:01 PM by JB Cases

MythBusting about wooden cues and moisture.

It has come to my attention that some people are spreading the idea that a case which is sealed or otherwise hugs the cues and does not allow a free flow of air around the cue is somehow able to warp the cue.

This idea is patently false.

Before discussing the science I will discuss the common sense evidence. From the 40’s until today there have been cue cases in use which seal the cavity, these include Harvey...
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A happy customer!

Posted 04-12-2009 at 09:19 PM by JB Cases

Originally Posted by JB Cases View Post
I have to brag here. These are the kinds of emails that make me feel great. Most people have no idea of the amount of work that goes into each of these cases. You want hand-work on your case? Well there is no other way to make this case than a lot of hand work to get the seams to lay down on these curves like they do. This is an original design from me and even though it's a production model it's as "custom" as anything else I have ever done. For $150 this is a lot of case.
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CTE Shot Circle

Posted 04-12-2009 at 08:46 PM by JB Cases

Originally Posted by SpiderWebComm View Post
First of all, let me begin by saying Happy Easter to everyone.

This thread isn't meant to stir controversy (I PROMISE), rather maybe fill in some knowledge gaps with CTE. While at the Super Billiard Expo as well as more recently at some local events, people have been coming up to me asking about how CTE works, etc. Many report that some shots they make, some shots they don't --- and others they miss completely.

In past threads, I've mentioned that the secret is
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