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Posted 05-03-2011 at 11:01 PM by JB Cases

This is just a record of an unpleasant interchange between someone whose handle is "Monstermash" and myself following the the issue of Jason Lee (Tasaddicts) being outed for selling counterfeit J.Flowers brand cases.

"Monstermash" sent me a PM asking me why I thought his posting on the warning thread was asinine and deserving of negative reputation.

Here is the exchange beginning with his initial PM to me: For clarity my posts are in blue and his in red.

Originally Posted by Monstermash
Didn't they ban you because you can't get along with others and can't keep you mouth shut?

Thanks for the neg rep. I have been looking into a new case but you're off the list now. You should consider taking a class in common sense. You don't run a business by saying anything negative about anyone.

My answer: You're welcome. Anytime you make an asinine post that I feel is deserving of red rep then that's what you will get. How does your hero look now?

And please don't lie to yourself. I have already been told that you don't want to buy from me. And even if you did who says I want to sell to you? As for your ideas about running a business I guess you don't get out much since business people say negative things about their competitors and other people all the time. So spare me your lecture ok and thanks for the heads up that I don't need to look for an order from someone called Monstermash.

I know you don't like me but you could at least be enough of a decent person to apologize to Matt Carter for your shitty comments defending Jason Lee. At the very least you could have followed your own advice and PM'ed Matt to ask him how he knows the cases were counterfeit and why he felt he had enough evidence to make it public. But no, you had to jump in and slam Sterling didn't you?

So I will be surprised if you do the right thing. If you do then I will give you good rep for it.

His/her reply:

Re: Hey, - Yesterday, 10:16 PM
I would like to know why exactly you think my post was asinine. I stuck up for a member with a good reputation and a great iTrader reputation when the facts were not known yet. It was just one member stating something that he believed to be true without posting anything to back it up except what he was told by someone else. You have to admit that there are a lot of members here that jump off the deep end without knowing the whole story and when comparing both parties' tenure and iTrader it seemed like the case.
Did you even bother to look to see when I posted that? It was way before there was any real proof. The fact that you left me a negative rep is just silly. I didn't back anyone or tell him he was wrong, I simply suggested that I need a little more info before making any kind of decision. And then I got a bunch of emails from people with a 0-10 post count telling me to contact you which is now pretty obvious at least one of them was you, and I'm supposed to believe them? I don't think so. The fact that you couldn't even be honest with me and tell me it was you who was emailing me says a lot about your character.
And the reason I wouldn't buy a case from you is two fold. You know the first reason, and the second is that your factory is based in china and you are not building the cases. They are mass produced and if I wanted that I would go buy a Porper or something similar for far less money.

And my reply back: (warning LONG)

Re: Hey, - Today, 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Monstermash
I would like to know why exactly you think my post was asinine. I stuck up for a member with a good reputation and a great iTrader reputation when the facts were not known yet.

What facts weren't known? Maybe the facts weren't known by YOU. But the facts were known to the owner and distributor of the brand. Matt even answered other people's questions BEFORE you posted what you did.

It was just one member stating something that he believed to be true without posting anything to back it up except what he was told by someone else.

So instead of looking at Matt Carter's posts which would have easily allowed you to see that he is the general manager of Sterling Gaming or even bothering to PM him you jumped off the deep end and bashed him and essentially called him a liar?

You have to admit that there are a lot of members here that jump off the deep end without knowing the whole story and when comparing both parties' tenure and iTrader it seemed like the case.

How about when comparing the gravity of the situation? Did you even bother to read the first post that Matt made, "There are hidden details that alert us, Sterling Gaming, to the authenticity of any case that has a warranty claim"?

Notice the fact that he identifies himself as a rep of Sterling Gaming? Then a few posts later he answers more questions from AZ members about it. THEN you jump in and call him a liar and decide to throw in a huge red herring to further confuse the issue.

"I don't know the seller but I find your claims difficult to believe. I'm sure it's a mistake if they are indeed fakes. He must have been misinformed by the seller when he purchased them. "

Here you call Matt/Sterling liars, you assume it's a mistake on the seller's part and that he has been duped by whomever he bought from. That's a lot of assumption and jumping off deep ends. I bet that if Dan Janes from Joss had posted the same warning then you would have accorded him more respect and not made such wild assumptions.

But then as if that wasn't bad enough you toss this out there,

" And while we are on the subject of fakes, aren't your cases really just fakes of the original Flowers cases but you seem to think its ok because you call them "tribute" cases? Did you contact anyone associated with the original Flowers cases to get permission to copy his designs?"

Which is a different subject altogether. And also a wrong accusation on your part. This topic has been discussed to death, the whole story has been on AZ plenty of times and it's on my website. So in addition to the fact that you are wrong you could have read the story again to get the facts BEFORE posting this inflammatory crap in Matt's thread.

Quote: Did you even bother to look to see when I posted that? It was way before there was any real proof. The fact that you left me a negative rep is just silly. I didn't back anyone or tell him he was wrong, I simply suggested that I need a little more info before making any kind of decision.

Of course I looked at when you posted what you did. The real proof that you needed was the fact that the brand owner, Sterling Gaming, posted to warn everyone. If you really wanted MORE information then you should have PM'ed Matt and asked for it. Or sent an email to me. But you didn't. You merely wanted to use the opportunity to bash Sterling for you misperception that we are somehow ripping off Jay Flowers' heirs.

And then I got a bunch of emails from people with a 0-10 post count telling me to contact you which is now pretty obvious at least one of them was you, and I'm supposed to believe them? I don't think so

That's pretty shallow when you think post count is the measure of a person's worth. I guess it never occurs to you that people can have something valuable to say without the need to be on AZB all the time posting things. Instead of focusing on the content of the information you were receiving you instead were completely blinded by the fact that you thought a 2200 post count and 54 good Itraders meant that Tasaddicts must be innocent even though the owner and distributor of the brand was telling you that the cases he is selling are knockoffs. You were directed to send an email to get the story from me. You claim you wanted more information and that's where you would have gotten it. Did you do it? No you didn't. Instead you decided to attack the messenger rather than pay attention to the message. As such you made the problem worse and not better. And that is why your post was asinine.

(Sidenote: My post count is well over 5000 so if Monstermash thinks postcount and Itrader count then he or she should have looked at mine)

The fact that you couldn't even be honest with me and tell me it was you who was emailing me says a lot about your character.

What? First of all you don't know who pm'd you. Secondly it didn't matter because the information you were given was the only important thing if you truly were interested in the truth. Other people got the same information and they acted on it by emailing me and starting a dialog. (commentary about a third person snipped)

Lastly, who are you? You are a screen name to me. I don't know you. All I know about you is that you love Paul Drexler and his cues. Why do I or anyone else owe you any identity verification? Tell me right now if Tasaddicts had sold some fake Drexlers and Paul had posted the same warning word for word under a new account would you have reacted the same and posted what you did? Forget about your ignorance of the law and the fact that you have a bug up your ass about the "Flowers" name. Say that this wasn't even part of the conversation. What about this?

So you're stating that a member that has over 2200 posts and 54 iTraders at 100% is raffling off fake cases and cues. Come on really?

I don't know the seller but I find your claims difficult to believe. I'm sure it's a mistake if they are indeed fakes. He must have been misinformed by the seller when he purchased them.

Just curious, did you contact the seller and discuss this with him prior to dragging his reputation through the mud?

Would you have posted this or would you have called Paul first? I think we both know the answer to that.

And the reason I wouldn't buy a case from you is two fold. You know the first reason

I don't know the first reason and frankly I don't give a shit. If it's because you think I am an asshole then great. I am. And for every person like you who tries to play that card there is another person in line who wants what I make. I'd rather be myself and be an asshole who tells the truth than a liar and a hypocrite who only USES AZB to sell my crap as others do.

and the second is that your factory is based in china and you are not building the cases.

Well, the only thing you got right was that I am based in China. I don't have a factory. I have a workshop with ten people in it who all do handcrafted cases made one at a time meticulously. And if you think for a second that these cases aren't a product of my effort and labor then you don't understand anything of what it takes to build things. Building cases or cues isn't just a matter of whose hands do the actual work. It's a matter of whose soul and philosophies and character is in them. Since you obviously are the kind of person who values someone's post count more than their actual output it's no surprise that you wouldn't take the time to learn more about who I am and what I do. That you just assume these things and state them as if they are facts is incredibly hypocritical.

They are mass produced and if I wanted that I would go buy a Porper or something similar for far less money.

Good luck with that. My cases are the farthest thing from mass produced that you will find. Jack Justis cases are way closer to cookie cutter production cases. The Erofey you just ordered is a cookie cutter case compared to ours. If you had even the tiniest clue you would know how much work tailored to each customer's desires goes into every case we make. You would know how we hand fit every lid so that is precisely fits every body and that every case is unique in that respect. Jack makes all his lids oversized so that they all close loosely and sloppily. You would know the incredible care we put into every detail. For you to say my cases are mass produced is a slap in the face but it's ok because it's obvious to me that you harbor some resentment and bias and ignorance where I am concerned.

As for your comment about getting something similar for less. Good luck. All you can get for less money is less case. And most of the time you get less case for more money. No matter how much you spend you will never get a better case than what we make. I know this because I own them all.

I find it funny that you talk about how you won't order from me because my shop is in China and my cases aren't made by "me". And yet you send Dennis Swift's case back to him and order instead a case made in Russia by who knows how many people that is cookie cutter assembly with cardboard tubes. Erofey's designs rock and I was the first person to show his cases on AZB.

Yes that's right, evil asshole John Barton the China based slave driving capitalist pig was the person who brought Erofey Evladin's cases to the attention of AZB. And when I did I said clearly that I didn't know a thing about the construction of the cases or the protectiveness but I thought that the designs were fresh and awesome looking.

So please forgive me if I tell you that you don't know a damn thing about me that matters. Your first post and subsequent posts in Matt's thread warning people about the counterfeits was asinine and the way you have handled it continues to be arrogant and irritating. You owe Matt and Sterling Gaming an apology. Me as well but I am sure none is coming my way. I have already resigned myself to the fact that some people prefer to be contrary rather than to get the facts and study them and THEN make comments. Much easier to go through life assuming and then hurting people based on false assumptions. It's clear to me that most people prefer that way.

And then finally and with no surprise this is his/her answer:

Originally Posted by Monstermash
You have some serious issues. Pleased do not bother me with this crap any longer. You're off the deep end over a post where I question the validity of a claim made by a member who was somewhat new vs a member who had been here for some time with a good reputation. A reputation that had NEVER been questioned before this.
No wonder you were banned twice. You're now on my ignore list so don't bother to email me again.
(Sidenote: You emailed me sport)

Get real, you asked me a question and I answered it. Answer this GENIUS, when does a reputation get questioned?
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    Nice post. Thank for sharing with us. Asigurari
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