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The Real Issues with Pocket Billiards Recent Decline in the USA and How to Fix It

Posted 10-07-2012 at 07:45 AM by CJ Wiley

Speaking in terms of the "Game" having enough draw to create a loyal viewing audience is never going to happen. The reason I can say the with such certainly is it doesn't happen in any other sport or game. Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Hockey, Boxing and Golf have all had their periods of poor ratings. The common denominator that always saved them was PEOPLE (Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Larry B., Mike T., Jimmy C. John M., IMG Group, Don King, Barry Bonds, etc.).

Without changing or tinkering with the Game its self. Pool in the early to mid 90s was getting 1 ratings (one million households) up against just about any other sport, even the super bowl pool did well. (I played a match in front of 2.8 Million Viewers).

This was the time that professional marketing agencies, professional acting coaches, and professional TV producers should have been brought into the picture. However, IT DID NOT HAPPEN and the ones "in control" thought they could do it themselves without the help of professional sources of talent. This failed then and it's failing now. It's NEVER been the Game's fault it's not received positive publicity and been popular (since The Color of Money).

I'll debate that with ANYBODY in a public forum. I know the inside story of what happened in those "key years" and it's not complicated what has to happen to turn this situation around. And like the saying goes "keep dong the same thing and you'll keep getting the same results". This is especially true and it's also a sign of the insanity of the methodology.

FIRST there must be an emotional attachment generated for the Players before the game will catch on. People lead the Games, the Games DO NOT lead the people. It's been true for other sports/games and it's true for Pocket Billiards.

I have been on the inside of Nascar, PGA, and NBA through agents, players, coaches and marketing experts and they all say the same thing. "Develop an emotional attachment between the players and the public and their fans enthusiastically watch them play".

That's the "filet mignon" of my previous metaphor and the hamburger is what we've done instead (the past 20 years). The good news is we have the ability to change, if we face reality and stop trying to make the cart draw the horse. The Professional Players MUST be put in a position to draw the Game into the public eye. There is no other way. imho
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