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Pool can make it on the "Do Over."

Posted 04-17-2020 at 06:30 AM by 336Robin
Updated 05-13-2020 at 07:47 AM by 336Robin

Pool can make it on the "Do Over."

The remake of Pool depends on.....

If you know me you'll know that I'm a curious person who tries to figure out how things work and such has been my interest in what would make Pool popular again.

After a decade and a half of wondering, talking, hypothesizing there are some things you need to understand about it then the answer is right there.

Pool Players are an independent sort. They won't likely be a member of any organization for the greater good of pool without receiving a value for themselves too. Sure there are some but as a general rule...no. If you want their money you have to earn it.

They will come play if your rates give value. If not you'll have trouble getting them.

If you know this much then the answer of a come back for Pool is simple.

We need more rooms to be created. They need value giving rates. They need affordable rent. They need affordable tables. People running respectable rooms and giving back to the community gives Pool a future.

That can only happen when the business environment is right for it. Rent has to be reasonable to allow a business to build. There also has to be a plan to allow the business to be widely accepted in places where children may also come in which means no alcohol.

I researched this and found that in many small towns rents for commercial space is available and at prices that could be considered affordable.

If you believe the prices per square foot from $1.50 to 3.50 per square foot per year is affordable. The lower end of these rents aren't at Main Street locations but they face a street. The more developed an area of the small uptown spaces the higher the rent will be, but there is drive by and sometimes foot traffic which off sets any advertisement you might need

You can get 10 tables in 3000 sq. ft if you arrange them right and at $1.50 that's $375 a month. So at $3.00 that's $750 and yes that is affordable. That puts the total of expenses, insurances and wifi below $1100 a month at the high end by these figures.

This where you start to figuring how much square footage you need and can support.

You'll need a plan on how you'll keep and expand your business with the tables you have. Pool will not do well by itself. You need to be able to pair it with food. It can be done without the expense of putting in a hood ventilation system. At this writing I know of two rooms that support themselves from the sale of food. One sell crackers, boiled egg and beef sticks and the owner tells me that alone pays his rent. The other with a hood system has developed a nice menu and his lunch and dinner crowd go there just for the good food. Pool needs Food not Alcohol.

In my study I recommend 2 tables per thousand people of population of your town. Pool is a place, it's not just a room full of tables. It's enough tables to serve a customer. As an inventory specialist in my career I can tell you that your profits get eaten up by maintaining excess inventory levels and too much of anything including tables become a burden to maintain.

I'd rather see 6 tables and an area to relax and read while you eat than a room full of tables and no where to sit. Make it home first then expand if you need to.

If you keep a morally and physically clean place you'll serve plenty of retirees and interested kids without becoming a day care and you'll get their families too.

Do that and expand your business by always being open to a paying customer and staying away from activities that give away free pool time or money to players. Charge reasonable rates and advertise your value. Then a small advertisement program like magnetic cards (given to groups that can afford to pay for their recreation) will do a lot for you. You want the new to Pool Player because no one's ever sought them. People love Pool as long as you keep it less about competition and more about fun between friends. Fun and giving a value makes money for an owner.

You can have magnetic cards made in 3 x 4 in size that tell your rates, hours and they'll end up on people's refrigerators. All you have to do is get them in people's hands. It's not that hard to do. You can get about 2500 of these for $1000. That's cheap considering. Give out some everyday and watch your business build.

People need a place to go to have fun. Selling Fun is your job. So sell it to those who want it.

Make them feel at home and sell them a sandwich or a milkshake.

Pool can make it, if you keep it clean in every sense of the word.

Make it a bar or a den of iniquity and you have no chance whatsoever of developing a loyal crowd of new to pool players. New to Pool players spend money on cues, cases and equipment. They want to play more than tournaments offer. They want their pool fix, truthfully most players do.

Focus on becoming a icon in your community and you'll find your niche by serving it.

Pool went into the Bars and we lost several decades of kids growing up loving pool. If Pool is to become popular again it has to grow from the grassroots up and those things are dictated by price of rent, tables and making smart decisions in regards to people and programs for them.

We need a Diamond Table redesigned with Formica or cheaper rails and side rails just for the purposes of making them affordable for Pool Rooms. If not that then used tables are your answer.

The kind of place I envision is a place where kids see posters on the wall for the local community college, the armed services and local employment. A place where local business and the Chamber of Commerce is proud of you.

The old guys come in for the play all day special and its affordable all other times.

You can get your cue tipped there, a sandwich, a drink, coffee and a piece of cake.

It doesn't have to be hard and can be a 1 man operation.

You should be able to retire and go into this kind of business or have a partner to lighten the work load.

Pool has a "Do Over" in it and a great one at that. A new take on the hometown Pool Room would increase the popularity of a great game.

I believe in the Power of Pool as a positive in people's lives. Keep it clean, keep it positive and talk about the great things and let people play.

The most profit that's made is when two people get a value and enjoy pool with friends for hours on end. They eat, drink, play pool and are merry.
What a great way to make a living.

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